Book review: The Danger Of Falling In Love

    I picked up this book due to a business activity and I will say I am glad I did! This book is not well known and I can’t believe it. This book really does express love and loss so well and on top of everything it is also in spanish. This book really does pull on my heart strings because I truly have gone through a lot in my life. Even if you haven’t, I still would pick up this book.

Basic info 

Title: The danger of falling in love: New poems in english and spanish

Found on: Amazon

Author– Jeff king

Genre– poetry

Publisher- Self published

My Published Review– 

 I want to start off by saying the cover of this book is stunning! It goes well with the book itself. The introduction really brings you in and prepares you for what it holds for the rest of the book. This book is short and I definitely wished it was longer. I wish I could keep on reading what this author has done with their words. It’s beautiful. It holds all different types of love. Love that is different with each and every person you have in your life. You realize how love is so painfully beautiful.  It makes you feel like you lived through these moments, as some of us already have. These moments we lived though, we could never put them into words like this book has done for us. I had a couple favorites which include, “the other side” , “To you the child that never was” and “Bang, bang”. The second one I listed was my favorite overall because I did not expect how that poem ended. You definitely must read it for yourself. I really loved this book and each and every moment. Feeling all these emotions hurt but it was definitely worth the read.